Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I took a survey asking 15 pierpont and duderstadt inhabitants their utilization of technology when listening to music. Here are the results:

Q#1 - By what means do you typically obtain new music?

File sharing - 9
iTunes music store - 3
Don't obtain new music - 2
Music store -1

Q#2 - By what means do you typically listen to music?

iPod - 11
radio - 6
Car stereo - 4
mp3 player - 3
Computer - 3
smartphone - 1
Discman - 1

Clearly, the preferred method of obtaining and listening to music is by illegal downloading using some sort of p2p or torrent server software. Thats kinda gross.


1 comment:

forker girl said...

Should something be done about this grossness? Are we becoming a population of pirates?

Filesharing, in your small survey, dominated in audio acquisition. Your saying that the dominance of illegal downloading is kinda gross suggests that you might support putting (enforceable) limits on filesharing, a term that can apply to the sharing of any kind of file, so youtube, for instance, is a filesharing system --how might these limits be drawn?
And should they apply to the sharing of files other than music? Where do you stand on copyright and its protection?